A considerably low frequency of hemorrhagic complications following tonsillectomy, with a notable difference between the studies, emerged from the publications examined. A wide variability in the rate of hemorrhage is generally verified, especially with regard to the hot techniques; this does not appear to be attributable to the technique employed, but to the other factors, amongst which, in our opinion, the most important are the experience of the surgeon and the modalities with which the diathermy of bleeding vessels is carried out.
These data and the results of similar and recent studies on this issue must be evaluated for the formulation of clinical recommendations regarding the choice of techniques to be used for tonsillectomy, and cause doubts on the value of the strict clinical recommendations regarding the choice of techniques to be used for tonsillectomy.
Motta S, Testa D, Ferrillo B, et al. Surgical Technique and Risk of Post-tonsillectomy Hemorrhage. Archives of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. 2018;1(3):4. DOI: 10.24983/scitemed.aohns.2018.00057